Carlsbad Downtown Lions Club
P.O. Box 642 Carlsbad, N.M. 88220
Meets Every Tuesday @ Pizza Inn @ Noon.
Website Comments: Lion Jennifer Long

Carlsbad Downtown Lions Host 2018 State Convention

International Director Jennifer Ware inducts Carlsbad Downtown Lions Club's newest member Lion Mark Beene. Lion Beth Beene is his sponsor.

International Director Jennifer Ware inducts Carlsbad Downtown Lions Club's newest member Lion Linda Horton. Lion Mark Horton is her sponsor.

International Director Jennifer Ware presents Carlsbad Downtown Lions Club member Lion Jennifer Long with a Progressive Melvin Jones award.

Memorial service to remember all Lions who passed away this year.

Christmas Light Decorating Crew

Operation Kidsight Screening

Haunted House Fun

Induction of 5 new Lions!

Pictured left to right: Lion Gemma Ferguson, Lion Jennifer Long, Lion Dick Doss, New Lion Karen Perry, New Lion Janelle Whitlock, New Lion Joan Hargrave, New Lion Stella Davis and New Lion Emma Irizarry. Pictured in front PDG Lion Ernest London.

Induction of Lion A.J. Bartels

Lion Melissa inducts new Lion A.J. Bartels. Lion Melissa is also Lion A.J.'s sponsor.

Donation of Bullet-proof Vest.

Lion Jennifer Long presenting Corporal David Whitzel with the vest for Officer Aresta.

Corporal David Whitzel with Officer Aresta and her new vest.

I think she likes it.

She barked and thanked us.

Now both police dogs have protection.

Women's (Lions) Symposium

Lion Anna getting everyone registered.

Lions having fun.

Our wonderful speaker!

Are they writing Kick Me!

Marshmellow fun!

That was what it was suppost to look like?

Don't you wish you were there?

Texas Holdem Poker Tournament

A volunteer dealer getting ready to start.

Lion David dealing after he lost all his chips.

Lion Jennifer dealing one of the last tables.

Lions Judy, Karen, Stan and Leo taking a break.

Lions Judy and Karen taking a break from the kitchen.

Looks intense!

Lions Johnny and Melissa and Cub Austin getting chips ready.

The last table getting ready to play.

Lion Melissa "coloring up" the final table.

Final table getting ready to play.

People who lost waiting to see who takes it all.

Our wonderful kitchen staff taking a break. Lions Judy, Karen and Diane.

Induction of New Member Lion Ron Voldahl

Business Fair 2009

USA/Canada Forum in Memphis, T.N.

District Governor Kitty Callender visits our club!

District Governor Kitty Callender inducts our two newest members.

Lion Gemma pins new Lion Gibbi George with the Lions pin.

Lion Karen pins new Lion Leo Lara with the Lions pin.

Our new Lions getting the facts.

New Vision Lions Club Installation

Hobbs Convention

Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament

Lion Melissa giving them the facts.

Lions Karen welcoming everyone.

Lion Leo dealing.

Frand Weldon is a great guest dealer.

Lion Jennifer dealing.

Looks like a tough player!

Looks serious!

Some players on break.

Lion Melissa "coloring up".

Some players on break.

Some players on break.

Some players on break.

Lion Jackie delivering cards.

Lots of shuffling.

Some serious players!

Guarding the decks.

The final table.

The final table.

Watching the final table.

Great card shufflers.

The final table.

Lion Gemma dealing.

Get Ready!!!!

Lion Jennifer dealing.

The kitchen crew.

Lion Melissa dealing.

Lion Melissa laying down the law.

USA/Canada Forum

Lions Melissa, Gemma, and Karen enjoying the forum.

They opened the Forum with the Saskatoon Natives Indians, it was a wonderful ceremony.

Then they presented the flags.

Saskatoon river with Saskatoon in the back ground.

Saskatoon has a berry they grow, so we traveled to the berry farm to have a taste, it is between a blue berry and a raspberry.

We visited an agricultural museum in Saskatoon, and we got the chance to see the farming equipment from the early 1900's, and yes the steam engine tractor still runs perfect unlike the wooden one Melissa picked out.

Operation Kids Sight at Head Start

Lions Myrl, Frank, Roger, Stan, and Jennifer finishing up pictures at Head Start. We did 221 kids in 2.5 hours!

Operation Kids Sight at ECEC

Lion Roger positioning the child, Lion Jennifer taking pictures, Lion Myrl on paperwork, Lions Stan, Kay, and Charlie helping with kids.

Lion Frank getting his feet wet taking pictures. Lion Myrl on paperwork, Lion Stan helping with kids, Lion Roger positioning kids, Lion Charlie analyzing pictures, Lion Jennifer giving support.

Lion Roger getting his feet wet taking pictures. Lion Myrl on paperwork, Lion Stan helping with kids, Lion Frank positioning kids, Lion Charlie analyzing pictures, Lion Jennifer giving support.

Operation Kids Sight at Loving

We had a warm welcome. They made a sign and hung it from the ceiling to welcome us.

We didn't do too bad for our first time out with the new camera system.

Not to brag but they made us lunch. We had Ceasar salad, rolls, tea, and dessert. Cherry cheese cake, jello cake, and homemade dijon mustard vinaigrette (the mustard was from France!). It was wonderful.

Operation Kids Sight New Camera Training

Cub Lion Kaitlyn is our test subject.

Lions Myrl and Roger get their questions answered from Lion Bryson.

Lion Judy taking notes on everything.

More questions answered.

Lions in action.

Induction of Officers and End of Year BBQ

Cub Lions passing the time.

Lions passing the time.

More time passing.

Lion Gemma getting her award.

Lion Melissa getting her Melvin Jones Fellow award.

Lion Melissa getting her Melvin Jones Fellow award.

Incoming Lion President Karen having trouble with the briefcase.

Incoming Lion President Karen having a look at her new responsibilities.

New Lion Gayle Baker getting inducted by Lion Stan with her sponsor Lion Karen watching.

Board of Directors getting their orders from Lion Stan.

Lots of orders.Lions John and Aulton look like they are having second thoughts.

Changing of the guards.

Still changing.

State Convention in Hobbs

Leader Dog Rep Wanda Scroggins and Gibson.

Youngsters performing Mexican folk dances.

(L-R) PDG Stan Bode, PDG Lee Boyd Montgomery, Lion Claudia Jensen, and VDG Kitty Callender after the DG's Banquet.

Lions Gemma, Rosie, Kay, and Melissa enjoying dinner.

80th Anniversary Dinner

Women's Symposium in Ruidoso

Lions Phil and Anna Marvel taking care of registering Lions.

Lions Gemma and Melissa getting the "presenter" PID Dr. Beverly Roberts ready.

"Presenter" PID Dr. Beverly Roberts speaking about team work.

Lions getting wrapped up in the fun.

Technical difficulties with the wrapping.

Going and going and going.....

I think Lion Gemma is getting dizzy.

And going and going....

Deep concentration.

Our great coach Lion Victor Lyon.

Have you ever seen Lions concentrating so hard?

Lion Gemma making sure no one cheats.

If you see her coming with plastic wrap, run!

I think she is deciding who to wrap up next.

Lion Mary Jane solving some fears.

Great skits by the Capital City Lions Club.

30 second elevator speaches by the Captial City Lions Club.

Lion Melissa is definitly in control with that hammer.

Lion Bob Callender and another Lion with Cub Lion Austin getting the food ready.

They did have some supervision.

Thanks to the Capitan Lions for providing and cooking the food for the dinner.

Training in Artesia

Lions Gemma and Karen seem to have lost something.

Lions Roxanne and Karen with some unidentified Lions at the Artesia Training.

Christmas Party 2007

Like Christmas Past, Present, and Future, we have Lions (R-L) Past Pres. Melissa Washburn, Present Pres. Maurice Smith, and Future Pres. Karen Robinson at the Club's Christmas party.

Pictured are Lions Roger Marks and Dick Crew with their spouses.


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